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If you have a question that is not answered here please click on the "Contact Us" page and let us know how we can help you. We will answer all your questions in a timely manner.





How are you able to dispatch to us?


We have the capability to alpha page to a pager, digitally page you to call us for the message, fax messages to you, e-mail you or multiple people with you messages. Text message your cell phone, call your home, call your cell phone, or call your office.


Can we get a copy of all messages that come into the service?


Yes. We have the capability to either fax you over a daily report with your messages or e-mail them to you or multiple people in your office.


Can we see your establishment?


Action Telephone Exchange welcomes our customers and invites them to visit our service. We would like at least one hour notice.


How does your system work?


When we setup an account, our customer is required to fill out an Account Setup Sheet. After completing our detailed questionnaire about your company, it is then put into the hands of one of our managers at the service. They input all of you information into our computer system so that your account is setup the way you want it,


How long is your “Hold time & Ring Time”?


Our average hold time at the service runs approximately 15-20 seconds for off peek hours. During peek hours, our hold time averages approximately 30 seconds. Our average ring time 2-3 rings.


How do you staff for emergencies?


Weather conditions and seasonal changes are carefully calculated and watched for proper staffing. We have supervisors on call 24 hours a day in case extra help needs to be called in. Managers have remote work stations at their residence enabling them to be able to work from home if the need arises.


Call us today at (866) 230-3920 or E-Mail us @ support@actiontelephone.com

© Copyright 2007 Action Telephone Exchange. All rights reserved.
Website by COBWEB Development

Last Updated Friday, October 05, 2007