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We represent a variety of companies including private contractors, law firms, and municipal repair divisions.

Your callers are always greeted with your preferred answer phrase.

We keep backups of our message archives for several years.

We can answer over fifty simultaneous calls for you, even if you have only one line in your office.

Using your website, we're able to process orders by your customers, allowing a simple phone-order solution for a web-based business.

We offer patching service upon request, connecting callers to your home or private office number without revealing it to the caller.  We will also patch you to any number you request, removing the possibility of your number appearing on Caller ID.

Messages can be delivered via live operator, fax, pager, voicemail, or e-mail.

Our sophisticated voicemail system assists in call screening, saving you money by handling routine messages without the need for a live operator.

Our customers use an express check-in line, which is seldom placed on hold.  Custom check-in lines are available.

Call us today at (866) 230-3920 or E-Mail us @ support@actiontelephone.com

© Copyright 2007 Action Telephone Exchange. All rights reserved.
Website by COBWEB Development

Last Updated Friday, October 05, 2007