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Order Entry

Do you like our web site?  Well we like yours too.  Allow us to help you make better use of it with our order entry services.

Why Use Order Entry Services?

While ordering your products on line is the most convenient way possible for many of your customers, this won't be the case for all of them.  Some people still don't have ready access to the internet and/or are not comfortable using it.  We can help you to assist these customers.

What Would We Do For You?

We can log onto your existing website to assist the customers who call in to fill in their order, forms, or surveys.  Anything your customers would access through the internet, we could help them access over the phone.  The website is convenient for you, and it is convenient for most of your customers.  We can help make it convenient for all of them.


For more information click Contact Us.


Call us today at (866) 230-3920 or E-Mail us @ support@actiontelephone.com

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Website by COBWEB Development

Last Updated Friday, October 05, 2007